Noel Rappin Writes Here

Upcoming Me

Posted on June 8, 2012

Updates, schedules, things, and stuff.

Scottish Ruby

The Scottish Ruby conference is having a charity workshop June 28, and I’m presenting my “Advanced Rails Design” workshop. This is the extended dance mix version of the workshop I did at Mountain West Ruby earlier this year. I thought it went really well (so did the attendees, I’m sure), and I’m very excited about this one. Details at — you don’t need to be attending Scottish Ruby, but you do need to register in advance.

There are three workshops that day — a UX workshop that has sold out. A Dave Thomas advance Ruby workshop that hasn’t, and mine. Let’s just say there are more tickets available right now for mine than I’d like, and I hope that if you are in the neighborhood, you’ll stop by. It’ll be worth it.

Windy City Rails

Much closer to home, I’m speaking at Windy City Rails this year. According to their schedule, my talk will be “Let’s Make Testing Fun Again”. This conference is always great, the venue this year looks outstanding, and the speaker list is — myself excluded — top-notch. Hope to see you there.

Ignite Rails

My IgniteRailsConf talk: Manage Your Development Environment / Never Burn Another Burger by Noel Rappin is now available on line at I don’t think my other RailsConf thing is up yet, but I’m sure I’ll let you know.

Master Space and Time With JavaScript

It’s near schedule. I think that converting all the text for the first two parts of the book will be done next week. Leaving me with a) a serious edit b) cover and incidental design, c) cleanup for epub and mobi, and d) product sale logistics. Still hoping that’ll go out in early July. If you’ve signed up at /mstjs-form, you’ll probably get an early look/chance to help me work the kinks out.

And Hey,

You can still buy Rails Test Prescriptions. Much of it is still up-to-date…


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Copyright 2025 Noel Rappin

All opinions and thoughts expressed or shared in this article or post are my own and are independent of and should not be attributed to my current employer, Chime Financial, Inc., or its subsidiaries.