Noel Rappin Writes Here

May 28, 2010: Friday Friday Friday

Posted on May 28, 2010

Short today, but preparing some longer, more rant-y bits for the future…

Book status

Not much forward motion for the next few days, as I have a lot of other stuff to do, including preparing for Chicago Ruby on June 1 and doing a bit of touch-up on Obtiva’s 4-Day Ruby on Rails/TDD boot camp. All fun, but time consuming.

A quick tutorial by Peter Cooper on setting up JQuery in Rails 3.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen something like this, but this article by Alan Skorkin on Ruby Procs and Lambdas is well done and it’s worth refreshing from time to time.

We always say that Ruby methods can’t have spaces in them, but technically that’s a lie, as shown in Joon You’s screencast.

Rails Dispatch this week is by José Valim. It’s kind of rambling, but a very interesting look at plugins that mess with Rails 3 features like Responders and Generator.
