Noel Rappin Writes Here

April 21, 2010: Annnndd... We're live

Posted on April 21, 2010

Top Story

What else, but the actual live sale page for Rails Test Prescriptions, which is You should be able to see the cover off to the right sidebar. (As I write this, they haven’t turned on the “Buy” link, sometime today, I think).

I like the mortar and pestle in the cover, it has a nice resonance with “prescriptions” and also, at least for me, a little bit of a tinkering kind of vibe.

Anyway, I’m excited and nervous about this – of the books I’ve written, this is the one that is most clearly my project from the beginning. I hope you like it, and I hope that your comments will help this be an even better book, and that we can get the physical book in your hands soon.

Buy early, buy often.

Book Status

I’ve been working on an article for the next issue of the Pragazine. I think I might be doing a better job of justifying a mock style than I have in the current book text, which means I’ll need to copy some of those arguments back into the book.

Tab Dump

Nice Rails Dispatch post by Mikel Lindsaar detailing the changes for Rails 3 ActionMailer. The ActionMailer API is much more consistent with the rest of Rails, giving me a fighting chance of remembering how it works without looking it up every time.

The CoderPath podcast popped up on RubyFlow – it’s a weekly interview podcast with Ruby and Rails programmers, that has so far included DHH, Ryan Bates, and others. I haven’t actually listened yet, I just saw the link, so you can consider this a transparent plea for them to interview me. Since you may have heard I have a book out.

Since I do a fair amount of Rails Training (interested?), I liked this Sarah Allen slide show about Test First Teaching. Some ideas here that I need to think about incorporating better in the training sessions that I run.


Do not adjust your web browser. The rubyonrails domains are all still down as I write this. And it has nothing to do with the volcano. Hopefully it’ll all get straightened out soonish.


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Copyright 2025 Noel Rappin

All opinions and thoughts expressed or shared in this article or post are my own and are independent of and should not be attributed to my current employer, Chime Financial, Inc., or its subsidiaries.