Experts, Passion, and Pinpoint Control
Quick and random:
The book Ball Four) had a big impact on me as a kid. I stumbled across a copy when I was about 12. If you don’t know, Ball Four, written by Jim Bouton and published in 1970, was one of the first big athlete tell-alls (though it seems much tamer these days than it did when it came out…) Anyway, a lot of the book can be read as the story of an articulate outcast trying to understand and navigate the other teammates that he’s basically stuck with.
Conference Prompts: Or How to Submit Proposals and Influence People
I’m going to be conducting a few of the tracks for this year’s RailsConf, specifically the Novice, Testing, and Crafting Code tracks. I’m very excited, this isn’t an opportunity I’ve had before.
What I want from all of you is awesome proposals. I want to have to make hard decisions. I want to be inundated with all your amazingness.
Because I want to hear from all of you, here are some opinions on how to best present yourself in a speaking proposal.