Noel Rappin Writes Here

June 2, 2010: How To Test Good

Posted on June 2, 2010


Gave my talk at Chicago Ruby. The video is already online – yay Chicago Ruby team. I was pleased with it, actually, I did pretty much what I hoped to do, except that I thought the repetition joke would get a bigger laugh.

In other news

Yehuda Katz posted slides on another Rails 3 talk: dashing to the finish.

Speaking of people on stage, Steve Jobs was interviewed on stage at the D conference yesterday. Among other, more important things, Jobs admitted that the initial iPhone-ish prototype was tablet sized.

Saw this on Twitter just now, and it looks nice – a node based console app for speaking HTTP. Looks like that’d be handy in almost any web development toolkit.

David Turnbull has a new Tumblelog called I Suck At Ruby, looks like he’s got some useful short bits and good advice for sucking less. I’ve also got Everyday Rails, by Aaron Sumner (Tip to everybody: make your actual name more prominent on your blog…) Both of which remind me that it’s time I put more original content here…


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All opinions and thoughts expressed or shared in this article or post are my own and are independent of and should not be attributed to my current employer, Chime Financial, Inc., or its subsidiaries.