Noel Rappin Writes Here

May 10, 2010: The need for eyeballs

Posted on May 10, 2010

Top Story

Let’s start with this: there’s a small but embarrassing typo in the Pragazine article code. Especially since it was a) called out by the author of Mocha and b) was a direct copy from the book, and from the Lulu version before that, so it’s been public for about a year, and I’ve proofread that chapter at least five times. Which just goes to show… you never catch everything.

On the plus side, this guy likes the book!.

Book Status

Beta 2 will either be today or Friday. Hoping for today, we’ll see.

And then…

Very technical list of Charles Nutter’s favorite Hotspot JCVM command line flags. I guarantee that unless you are actually Charles Nutter, you will find stuff here that you don’t know. Especially recommended if you need to deep debug JRuby behavior.

RubyMine 2.5 has started its beta cycle. The headline feature is Rails 3 support. Normally JetBrains betas are pretty stable, but it’s still an early beta.

It has been days since Yehuda Katz has clarified some corner of the Bundler universe. Here’s an article about Bundler groups.

Matt Aimonetti has some thoughts on writing the MacRuby book with an open license.


Some quotes:

Pat Maddox in tweets:

Fundamental prob w/ relying on cucumber as primary test coverage is that it’s meant to capture & define the business’s expectations. But the first, implicit, expectation that the business has is that the software _works_. This means it’s *not* AT’s role to verify application works

Joe Posnanski, quoting baseball HOF pitcher Robin Roberts:

You want to be proud of your successes,” he told me, “but you want to be proud of your failures too.”

Dave Thomas, quoting Ryan King from Twitter:

The one -in-a-million case happens once every 80 seconds for us
