Noel Rappin Writes Here

More Book Status

Posted on January 31, 2010

The book went out for 50% technical review this week, covering the first nine chapters, which is about 160 pages.

With the warning that I don’t actually decide any of this stuff, it seems like if the reviews are basically positive, then the book will head into beta purchase while I work on the rest of it. I doubt that will happen in February, but I’m really hopeful for sometime in March.

I suspect that the final print version will come some time after the release of Rails 3.0 and RSpec 2.0, unless it looks like that’s way too far off in the future.

For the record, the chapters that are part of the review are:

  • Goals – a new intro chapter built out of some pieces of the original book, plus new writing.

  • Getting Started

  • TDD In Rails – these two chapters come out of what was the free tutorial chapter and the beginning of the self-published version. They’ve been reorganized and polished.

  • Models

  • Model Data – includes the original book small sections on fixtures, factories, and date/time data, plus a comparison of factory tools

  • Mocks – the chapter in my original book plus a comparison of different mock frameworks.

  • Controllers – original book chapter plus a section on route testing, plus some updated discussion of things

  • Views – several chapters from the original bound together, views, and helpers (which got some updating), plus a new section on testing email

  • Ajax – new chapter on testing Ajax, but RJS and regular

So that’s about 30% completely new stuff, and all the rest of it has been polished, re-organized, and updated. It really feels like it’s coming together well, can’t wait for it to actually go on sale.
